Week 2 Day 8


Reproduce the bundle i error for the Bundler Repo

Our Quandary

How are we to reproduce the bundle i error for the Bundler repo we cloned.

How would we be able to see if it fixed the error (instead of stacktrace, it displays a friendly error message) when we type bundle i?

For other rubygems, we would use bundler and specify in the gemfile. Then run, bundle install or bundle install gemname.

Our Solution

To use our cloned bundler on the commandline, our mentor, Andre Arko, said “back in the dark pre-bundler ages you always had to do this: ruby -I/path/to/gem/lib -S /path/to/gem/bin/foo.”
The -I tells Ruby where to load the library scripts. (Looked up -I in man ruby)
We created an alias named dbundle in our bash profile. (.bashrc or .bash_profile). It is a hidden file in your home directory. Sooo, you have to run ls -a to see it.
alias dbundle='ruby -I ~/sw/gems/bundler/lib ~/sw/gems/bundler/bin/bundle' This way we only have to type in dbundle rather than that long line every single time.

  1. Put this into you .bashrc file (Make sure you have the right path to your file.)

     alias dbundle='ruby -I ~/Desktop/railsgirls/bundler/lib ~/Desktop/railsgirls/bundler/bin/bundle'

    You can locate the .bashrc file by running:

     $ ls -a
  2. Now you can run this command in any directory with a Gemfile

     $ dbundle i

Our Struggles

Setting up the alias we got Bundler::GemfileNotFound In order for our alias to work, we have to run dbundle inside a directory that has a Gemfile. For example, our rgsocbundler.git.io blog has a Gemfile. We can run dbundle inside that directory. Now run dbundle inside our rgsocbundler directory and wahlah! It works. And if run dbundle i, it reproduces the error (stacktrace).


  • source ~/.bashrc - reloads the bash file

-I directory Used to tell Ruby where to load the library scripts. Directory path will be added to the load-path variable ($:).

-S Makes Ruby use the PATH environment variable to search for script,unless if its name begins with a slash. This is used to emulate #! on machines that don't support it, in the following manner:

#! /usr/local/bin/ruby
# This line makes the next one a comment in Ruby \
exec /usr/local/bin/ruby -S $0 $*
  • git remote -v will display your remote and origin paths

Other Stuff We Did

Based on the comments, we made changes and fixes to our pull requests that were submitted.