Week 7 Day 31

Bundler Features Phase 1

Tuesday Aug 28th

Joyce's Tuesday

Yay! The report a bug page pulled in from the issues.md of the bundler repo got merged!

Reviewed material on Gemfile, Rake, setting up alias, the bundler directory, thor in preparation on adding a bundler feature.

Working on adding/fixing a bundler feature, got my system to reproduce the error by “removing” git.

Jen's Tuesday

More Improvements and PRs (pull requests)

I worked on some more improvements to the bundler.io site I combined 3 things onto a new page called workflow instead of doing a get-sarted page. + 1. The top blurb.(the part under Bundler's Purpose and Rationale) + 2. A Simple Bundler Workflow from rationale page + 3. recommended workflow" at http://bundler.io/v1.3/bundle_update.htm

I deleted two sections off of the index page; the block of links called Learn About and the block of links called Use Bundler with. They were all duplicated in the sidebar.

I created a new footer with links similar to what used to be at the top of the Bundler page; buttons for Get Started, Report a Bug, See What's New, Read Documentation, Discuss and Contribute and I added Bundler Workflow.

I also added the blurb from the rationale page to the top of the index page because it describes what Bundler does in more depth. Now there is nothing left on the rationale page that is not duplicated in other places once all my pull requests are excepted.

I moved the Devswag image and text to the sidebar and made some improvements to the text. So buying a Bundler t-shirt and stickers will hopefully be more appealing.


Joyce and I both started on a bundler-feature that had a small tag on it. Andre helped pick one for each of us.

bundle outdated should return non-zero success code for invalid gem name

Andre said that the code to check if the gem name is valid is something like: if Bundler.definifion.specs.search(gemname).empty? # not a valid gem name, you should raise a Bundler::GemNotFound error with a message like "#{gemname} isn't a gem in your bundle, so it can't be updated" end

I asked if I should I change this?

if gems.empty? && sources.empty?
    # We're doing a full update
    definition = Bundler.definition(true)
    definition = Bundler.definition(:gems => gems, :sources => sources)
options["local"] ? definition.resolve_with_cache! : definition.resolve_remotely!

Andre replied: oh hmm I guess I was wrong. You will probably need to rescue the error that is raised by that code if the gem doesn't exist.

Looking for the files

Using $ grep -f "outdated" . I found all the file that outdated is used in. CHANGELOG man/bundle.ronn lib/bundler/man/bundle.txt lib/bundler/man/bundle lib/bundler/runtime.rb lib/bundler/cli.rb spec/other/platform_spec.rb spec/other/outdated_spec.rb ————————————-

Trying to re-create the error

I made a file based on the file in the bundler-features issue 6. It states that the following code should exit 0.


set -ex

mkdir -p /tmp/bf-issue-6
cd /tmp/bf-issue-6

cat > Gemfile <<EOF
source "https://rubygems.org"

! bundle outdated blurgh || (echo "failed" && exit 1)

I created the file on my desktop, named it zero and ran it. This is what I saw.

**$ chmod +x zero
$ ./zero
+ mkdir -p /tmp/bf-issue-6
+ cd /tmp/bf-issue-6
+ cat
+ bundle
The Gemfile specifies no dependencies
Resolving dependencies...
Your bundle is complete!
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
+ bundle outdated blurgh
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.
Resolving dependencies...

Your bundle is up to date!
+ echo failed
+ exit 1

$ echo $?

I changed the exit code to 0 and ran it again. This is what I saw. The command $ echo $? shows what the last program exited as.

$ ./zero
+ mkdir -p /tmp/bf-issue-6
+ cd /tmp/bf-issue-6
+ cat
+ bundle
The Gemfile specifies no dependencies
Your bundle is complete!
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
+ bundle outdated blurgh
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.
Resolving dependencies...

Your bundle is up to date!
+ echo failed
+ exit 0
$ echo $?